Afrobella Luonnolliset hiukset, kauneus, muoti ja meikki Uncategorized For corporate Climbers and business Beauties, the MAC office hours Collection Puts in the Overtime

For corporate Climbers and business Beauties, the MAC office hours Collection Puts in the Overtime

Eyes: pro Longwear Eyeshadows in Linger Softly and Bloom On; Cheeks: pro Longwear Blushes in Eternal sun and baby Don’t Go; Lips: pro Longwear Lipglass in Boundlessly Beige

Cubicle crusaders, overworked assistants and every other late-night office dweller logging in extra office hours every week, say it with me now!


Emme ota sitä!

NO, we ain’t gonna take it!

We’re not gonna take it…ANYMORE!


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

We’re saying “No!” to wimpy wear time and makeup that malfunctions while we’re working overtime (which reminds me, anyone who says that working for a plus-size kitty supermodel is an easy gig obviously hasn’t done it before).

“Ei!” to the naysayers who say that it’s wrong to wear anything but bone or brown in the workplace.

“EI!” We demand tasty pops of pink, coral, plum and red to go with our office neutrals.

It’s time for our blushes, eyeshadows and glosses to work as hard as we do! Time for long-lasting makeup capable of keeping up with our busy schedules! Time for makeup able to log in just as much overtime as we do while still looking stylish!

Yes, the time has come for all of those tired, played-out pieces with weak wear time to step aside, and make room for the new 25-piece MAC office hours collection.

Starting with that first sip of coffee in the morning, all the way until your after-hours snack (don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your secret chocolate stash), the MAC office hours Collection never goes home early. When it comes to wear time, this limited edition collection of MAC pro Longwear products for lips, cheeks and eyes just ordinary shreds!

The MAC pro Longwear products are still relatively new, but I feel like I’ve loved them forever. I mean, finding MAC pro Longwear Concealer was almost a life-changing experience. remember Styledriven from last fall? — with the pro Longwear products for lips and eyes? office hours feels like an extension of that collection to me.

It’s office makeup, MAC-style. Okay, sure, the overall look has “super-wearable” stamped all over it, but MAC included just enough color to hint at the rebel that resides behind most button-down shirts, pinstriped suits and practical shoes.

The color palette includes shades of nude, pink, peach, beige, red and rose for lips; ivory, rose, brown, camel, red, mauve, gray and blue for eyes; and coral, beige, pink, rose, brown and plum for cheeks.

Here’s a quick look at six of the pieces…

Pro Longwear Eyeshadow in Linger Softly

Pro Longwear Eyeshadow in Bloom On

Pro Longwear blush in baby Don’t Go

Pro Longwear blush in Eternal Sun

Pro Longwear Lipgloss in Boundlessly beige (left) and next trend (right)

Swatches from the left: pro Longwear Eyeshadow in Linger Softly and Bloom On; pro Longwear blush in baby Don’t Go and Eternal Sun; and pro Longwear Lipglass in Boundlessly beige and next Fad

Wearing pro Longwear Eyeshadow in Bloom On and Linger Softly on my eyes, pro Longwear blush in Eternal sun and baby Don’t go on my cheeks and pro Longwear Lipglass in next trend on my lips

A few first impressions of the products…

Pro Longwear Eyeshadows in Linger Softly and Bloom On: I how soft these feel and the finely milled powders, but I was expecting Linger Softly, which MAC explains as a lightly frosted grey-blue, to have more pigment and a shimmery finish… I think it looks more like a sheer satin on my skin, and boom On is also very sheer.

Pro Longwear Blushes in Eternal sun and baby Don’t Go: like the eyeshadows, both products feel buttery soft to the touch and have very fine grains. I have to use a couple of layers for these particular colors to show up on my NC42 skin.

Pro Longwear Lipglasses in Boundlessly beige and next Fad: Both of these are very, very sticky and thick. I wouldn’t call them among the most comfortable products I’ve ever worn, and my hair constantly gets caught in my lips… sure do love the shine, though.

The entire MAC office hours Collection includes…

Pro Longwear Lipglasses ($19.50 U.S./$22.50 CDN)
Everlasting Nude: Mid-tone warm nude (cream)
Patience Please: Light pink-blue (cream)
Long love Love: Light cool pink (cream)
Next Fad: Mid-tone cool pink (frost)
Persistent Peach: Light warm peach (cream)
Boundlessly Beige: Light warm beige with pearl (frost)
Driven By Love: Red-blue with slight pearl (cream)
Forever Rose: Mid-tone neutral rose (cream)

Pro Longwear Eyeshadow ($21 U.S./$25 CDN)
Every Ivory: pale ivory
Bloom On: Light burnt rose
Always Sunny: Light yellow brown
Uninterrupted: Dark camel
Endless Passion: Mid-tone rose
More Amour: Mid-tone red
Mauveless: Dark dirty mauve
Fashion Fix: Dark cool slate grey
Linger Softly: Light frosted grey blue

Pro Longwear Blushes ($23.50 U.S./$28 CDN)
Stay By Me: Light peach coral
Baby Don’t Go: Light cool beige
Rosy Outlook: Light yellow pmuste
Pysy kaunis: kevyt kirkas sininen vaaleanpunainen
Blush koko päivän: kevyt likainen ruusu beige
Koko lotta rakkaus: vaaleansininen vaaleanpunainen
Eternal Sun: lämmin ruskea
Itsepäinen: Mid-Tone Rose Plum

Mac Office Tunnit ovat saatavilla nyt ja näkyy Pohjois-Amerikan Mac-laskureissa ja kaupoissa torstaina 13. syyskuuta (kansainvälisesti myöhemmin tässä kuussa).

Hachiko: koiran tarina

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Hei! Jos tiedän mitä olin sisään …

Elokuva on professorista, joka hyväksyy harhaanjohtavan Akitan pentun nimeltä Hachi.

Okei, ajattelin, että se oli onnellinen-go-onnekas tarina miehestä ja hänen koirastaan, mutta 15 minuuttia alkoin saada sen mielestäni, että olin yllätys.

En anna pois liikaa, jos päätät katsella sitä, mutta elokuvan loppuun mennessä, molemmat El Hub että olin bawling! Ja olen itse asiassa muutamia enemmän kertaa, kun vain ajattelee elokuvaa.


Erittäin suositeltavaa erityisesti eläinten ystäville. Pidä vain laatikko kudosten lähellä …

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